Thursday, February 23, 2012

Simple ways to earn money while still in High School!

Students are always complaining that they do not have enough money to buy stuff for themselves. Their parents don’t give them an increase in their allowance and so they have to suffer the ‘disgrace’ of either not owning that item of choice or giving up a chance to go out with friends.

High school life is a difficult time for students as they want to go out and experience new products or locate new eating joints for themselves. In order to fund these wants, there are various ways of making money so that they can satisfy all their needs and also teach them to be independent.

The most common way of making money these days is to apply for a temporary job or an internship during the summer holidays. There are many options available and these include working in a restaurant or a small to medium-sized organization. The ideal time to apply for an internship or a temporary job would be during the months of April – June. This would have the added advantage of giving the students some considerable job experience as well as pay them for their efforts.

Another easy way to make cash is to sell your old clothes and toys. Students regularly have garage sales so that they can make some easy cash for themselves. High school students can, surprisingly, accumulate a large quantity of accessories, gadgets and clothing, some of which other people may find valuable.

Many students, these days, also offer their services for odd-jobs to raise funds for themselves. Helping out your family by doing the daily chores weekly will not only make the parents happy but they could also reward you with cash for helping out at home. Some students even go as far as marketing their special talents that they might have. Students have a great artistic flair for designing or writing so they take up small projects as freelance writers or designers. Others use their musical skills to play at clubs or pubs for a nominal fee too. Still others take up teaching because they have the necessary capabilities to teach and instruct others in studies.

There are other ways of making cash too. But the tried and tested methods always work so it’s no surprise that the above mentioned means of generating income are the most successful.

Want to be the best Student? Here’s how...

When I was a student I never quite understood how to be among the best students of my class. Therefore, I had made it a personal mission of mine to go on this eternal quest and unlock the mystery behind becoming the ‘best’ student in class.

Eventually when I did become a position holder later on in my academic life, I came to the realization that there was no mystery at all. All that a student at needed to do were the following:

  • Be prepared for class. Read assigned materials ahead of lectures to ask pertinent questions. Never give the impression that you are clueless about the matter being discussed.
  • Attendance in every class is mandatory. You can't do well if you don't go to all lectures, study sessions and labs. A day’s worth of lectures missed would be detrimental to your progress and class participation.
  • Write clearly and take extensive notes from discussions in class. Make your work easy to read for both yourself and your instructor. Additionally, also take notes from books that you have read so that you are able to provide fresh ideas for the next class.
  • Sit in the front bench. This minimizes distractions and ensures you can see the professor clearly. Also, this will give you a maximum chance of participating in class discussions.
  • Stay up to date with all your work. For subjects like science and math, you have to build on concepts from prior learning. Maintaining your class lectures, notes and homework according to the teacher's schedule will help you to avoid confusion.
  • Always participate in the class. You should ask relevant questions or contribute new information that can be of relevance to the topic being discussed.
  • Maintain a schedule for your daily activities so that your study time and recreation time do not interfere with each other.